Monday, August 29, 2011

...a sweet savour, an offering made by fire...

History was made this past week here in the Abomosu District. It was life changing to many of the saints, children, husbands, and even a Chief of the village. It is hard to believe we can be of such influence and to have been a small part of this mighty groundbreaking event. Sister Dalton has been lifted to a “Queen” status by so many that I must pinch myself to realize it is not a dream. The husbands worship the ground she walks on and the children squabble over who will carry her book bag to and from the car or meetings. Her fame has been spoken of in meetings, at family home evenings and even a fireside talk. One sister bore testimony in Relief Society meeting of how the Lord had blessed her family with goodness all because of Sister Dalton sharing her talents. Sister Dalton and I feel we have turned the corner on an eternal principle with the District here because of this week’s success. Our hearts are full!
There is a principle of truth that is manifested in the Church throughout the States that has not manifested it’s self here in Ghana- especially in the bush. Most “Obrunis” feel this is so important they have tried, with vain results, to convince the members of its eternal value. So determined to bless the life’s of these poor souls, Sister Dalton and I pondered for many days the solution to this dilemma. We first became aware of this challenge when attending a fireside we had organized for the Asunafo branch. It was a huge branch family home evening with all of the members attending. Great fun was had and many suggestions of improving our Family Home Evenings where taught. Handout suggestions and emphasis of the Church’s Family Home Evening manual was taken to heart by many of the fathers and a renewed determination was spoken by all. And then we were faced with the “Obruni” saving principle this people had not grasp in their minds. There were no treats! Nothing, notta, they just began walking home as families thinking they were fully nourished. How could this most precious principle be overlooked or heaven forbid, not adhered with exactness? We were shocked and even bewildered with the misunderstanding of this saving grace they did not live. We left that night dejected and felt as if the fullness of gospel truths had not penetrated our souls. This was a call to action we felt, as we drove home with empty stomachs discussing the nights events. How could we be a “full” programed district without living this portion of the handbook? (it must be in there somewhere, I’m sure, for I have never, and I mean never, attended a fireside, most ward or stake activities, and most important, family home evening without treats at the conclusion)
         Sister Dalton and I began an intense study of how we could gently move the saints towards fulfilling this truth. The big challenge was that no family here has a stove for cooking, no refrigerator for keeping leftover treats for the next day. All cooking is done over an open fire. All ingreediences used for cooking is freshly brought from their farm and there are never leftovers. Sister Dalton has taught dozen of sisters throughout the district how to bake cookies and breads at our home here but always was concerned with her effectiveness due to these challenges at their own homes. This past week we had a break through that we feel is pure inspiration and an answer to much prayer and pondering. How to cook cookies over an open fire without Dutch ovens? All cooking by the family is done in a large black pot. No one bakes or has a variety of meal selections. Soups and boiled corn or roasted fish is the diet for most families. They do boil rice, gari, cassava, and plantain for some variety but all cooking is done in that big pot. While visiting a family the other day, it dawned on me to how make that one and only pot, a huge oven to bake cookies and banana bread so these poor saints could live the principle of “no activity will be complete without treats”.
        Sister Deho, one of Sister Dalton’s cookie baking students, was contacted and a plan was devised to meet and experiment with our idea. The sisters of the branch were all in a tizzy for days as they mixed their cookie mixes just as Sister Dalton had taught them. Children were on “cookie alert” and husbands drooled with anticipation. Even one of the village Elders was informed and was invited for the occasion. Well, the big day came last Thursday and we all met at the Deho’s cook hut in force. There were 13 sisters and numerous children and even 6 fathers who came home from their farms early to witness this historical event- baking cookies over an open fire in a huge black pot. It was spectacular and Sister Dalton and I felt our hearts swell with pride as we witnessed the first batch of Sister Deho’s cookie dough made into cookie drops and placed on a homemade cookie sheet. With great care, I placed them in the big black pot. I had built a square cookie sheet out of an old washing machine lid I found, and it fit into the pot about 8” from the bottom. A pot lid was made from corrugated tin- flattened, and walla, an oven was created. The fire was stoked to get the temperature up and all 30 plus people waited in anticipation for the desired results. I felt moved to preach out of the “Dalton Good Book”, so quoted from Dalton 4 verse 16 that states “all family home evenings and many other meetings where we seek the “nourishment of the word” could not be fulfilled until the treats are devoured at the conclusion”. The brethren who were there all saluted that verse and I am sure it sank deep in their souls. After 15 agonizing minutes, the hut went silent and all eyes were on the pot lid. I reached down and removed the makeshift cookie sheet and brought out the most perfect baked Snickerdoodle cookies I had seen in years. There rose a shout from that hut I’m sure was heard throughout the bush. It was a time of dancing and singing and I even thought I had might have heard choirs of angels blend in to our excitement. Wow, the doctrine had been taught and the principle of living the doctrine was shown and now generations to come will be blessed. Oh happy days!!                      

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